About the Business Credit Management Association
Regardless of your company’s size, all businesses share the critically important functions of timely and efficiently converting sales into accounts receivable and then into cash through the extensions of credit. This has become known as the order to cash cycle.
BCMA/WCA is the order to cash\credit person’s support and professional management organization. Our organization provides you with:
- The latest techniques in managing your receivables
- Optimal techniques in tactful collection, fraud, and bad debt avoidance and;
- The opportunity for education that will raise the performance and efficiency of your credit and collection personnel to the highest level
Important and cost savings opportunities to maximize your credit and collections effectiveness are available:
Your company needs membership in the BCMA\WCA. Utilization of the above programs and additional services can reduce your credit administration costs & improve your collections and cash flow. Take advantage of all BCMA\WCA has to offer and receive a multi-fold return on your investment. |
Conflict Management for Credit Professionals
September 25, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. CT
Presenter: Barry Elms
Conflict is always a possibility when dealing with customers in credit management. How you manage that conflict will determine whether you have a satisfied paying customer or a delinquent and belligerent debtor.
During this revealing and informative webinar, Barry Elms will share with you:
- How to differentiate between relationship and transactional conflict
- How to use the 5 elements to conflict resolution
- Understanding the 4 steps to effective conflict management
- How to deal with controlling power players and avoid escalating the conflict
- The 6 keys to finding mutual value solutions to conflict issues
- $79 BCMA/WCA Members
- $99 all others