Ten Minute Tips
10-Minute Tips from Michael Dennis
Michael Dennis is a consultant with more than twenty years of experience as a credit manager working for companies including McKesson, Black and Decker, Jorgensen Steel Company, and American Hospital Supply. He authored or co-authored seven books including: “Credit and Collection Handbook”, “Credit and Collection Forms and Procedures Manual”, and “The Credit and Collection Manager’s Concise Desk Reference.” Michael has an MBA from Pepperdine University. He holds the CBF, CCP, and CPC. Certifications. Michael has been honored as Credit Executive of the Year by both CMA California and by BCMA.
These are excerpts from a series called the Ten Minute Tips program. If you’re interested in listening to the much longer on-demand programs on these topics, please contact Nicole Thompson (nicolet@wcacredit.org) for more information. Thank you.
Please contact Nicole at the Association office with any questions. Thank you.