Silent Auction & Sponsors

Each year, the Association hosts a Silent Auction at the Annual Credit Conference. Last year, nine (9) members applied for and received funding toward their Conference registration fees. It was gratifying to help them and rewarding to learn that many would not have been able to attend without the assistance of a Scholarship Grant. You can see why your donation to the Silent Auction is so important. We are excited about fundraising for 2020. If you can donate again this year, please let me know. Everything; large and small, is welcome & appreciated! It may be a good idea to start rummaging through the warehouse and closets now!

On behalf of the Business Credit Management Association – Wisconsin, its Membership and the Scholarship Committee, we wish to thank you for the generous donations received so far. All proceeds earned from your donation to the Auction will be used in their entirety to support this ongoing program. To donate or Sponsor, click here.

Silent Auction Items



Aqua Aerobic Systems Inc
Dakota Supply Group